How Do I Transform Something in My Life?

Blair Abee
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2024


Making changes in our lives is not easy. Even small, incremental ones, ones that would serve to make things better, often generate resistance to change. A mental pushback is frequently the result. It is said that it takes 21 days of daily practice to incorporate some change and make it a part of our daily routine. A new habit.

To transform something into something new is even harder. By transform, I mean “ a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of something”. Furthermore, a personal transformation can be said to be “a change in some aspect of who we are, what we do and the life we lead.”

I Had a Dream About This

Last night I had a dream in which I was with a group of people in a house and was encouraging them to transform something about themselves as an exercise. And people immediately began to participate. They changed their appearance, their energy, their way of presenting themselves, their way of seeing the world.

It was so much fun and shifted the energy of the group dramatically. People were talking about how freeing this was. And how much they appreciated the opportunity to make a dramatic change. And how emotionally satisfying it was.

I Woke Up

I woke up very energized at 4:00 am and made notes to myself about the dream and its meaning. Making a very fundamental transformation in who you are is what my books and classes and ideas are all about. My logo says “Tools for Transformation” encircling a butterfly, the symbol for transformation.

Early this morning, I also reflected on an important lesson from the dream — humans are very creative beings. No matter who we are, we want things in our lives to be better. Every day. And most of us undertake activities designed to make things better. If only a little bit. And a little bit. And a little bit. Sometimes we even create a dramatic change in a short period of time if the motivation and the tools/the skills are there.

At other times we want to create a change but don’t know how. And we have to educate ourselves, learn some new skills. And figure out how to change our essence or our behavior.

These Times are All About Change

The beauty of these times, even though they are chaotic and challenging, is that this new Age of Aquarius we are entering is all about change. Aquarius symbolizes, among other things, electric, sudden, dramatic change. Change is a keyword for this time and for the next 28 years that Planet Pluto will be in the sign of Aquarius. Energetically and symbolically.

This is the energy of the Age. We might as well get used to it. Ride the wave. Even take advantage of it.

Tools for Transformation

With that in mind, let me offer some ways to bring about transformation in your life

  • Allow yourself to dream new dreams for yourself. Open up to possibilities that may have seemed unattainable. Acknowledge how creative you are to have gotten this far in your life. Reflect on your life in 10-year increments and marvel at how much change has happened since you were 10 years younger.
  • Consider what your life might be, could be, should be like 10 years from now. Spend some time in a quiet time and place, envisioning what you might want to happen in the next 10 years. Allow your creativity to soar. Don’t let circumstantial thinking hold you back. Write these thoughts down and put them in a safe place.
  • One way to get better at envisioning for yourself is to learn to meditate. To learn to be quiet and just reflect on the future. Have conversations with your Higher Self about what could be. What Spirit might have in mind for you.
  • And learn my Best Possible Outcomes process (see The Manifestation Book, chapter 8). In this process you turn to your Higher Self, your Soul, and ask for the Best Possible Outcome for your day today or your life in the next 10 years. And turn the request over to Spirit to bring you the best possible outcome for your growth and evolution. Trust the outcome. This is true manifestation work.
  • If you have not made soul contact yet, it may be time to acquaint yourself with your Higher Self. Your Spiritual Champion who wants to get to be known by you (see The Meditation Book, my top-selling book at Amazon Books). And wants to help you grow and flourish. And has your very best interest at heart. And will go before you to smooth out the crooked places and bring transformation into your life.

These are just a few of the tools you can employ to make a creative, transformative project of yourself. Next week, we will talk about another handful of tools you can use to bring about the change you want for yourself.



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Blair is an author, poet, YouTubist, and ordinary mystic. His 5 award-winning book series are available at Amazon Books, and his YouTube videos at Blair Abee Higher Consciousness Channel.



Blair Abee

Blair developed Higher Consciousness Meditation after many years of meditation and yoga, and a traumatic year with a new, difficult boss who fired him.