Maintaining an Elevated State of Consciousness

Blair Abee
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Maintaining an elevated state of consciousness, for those who are interested in doing this as part of their meditation practice/spiritual journey, is not a simple thing. When starting your meditation practice, finding a meditation process you like, learning how to use the process, and making it a habit is the primary goal.

As you progress and do your practice for a while, especially if you use my Higher Consciousness Meditation process (see my book The Meditation Book), you are likely to have an experience of feeling very good and almost euphoric, a sense of illumination even. Feeling almost “lit up” from the inside.

This is a lovely experience and, if you are like me, you want to repeat the experience. With practice, it becomes possible that you will have more and more frequent experiences of elevated awareness. Higher Consciousness. That is the goal of the Higher Meditation Process. Illumination. The process is designed to produce that result.

Once you have that experience repeatedly, you may then ask the question “How can I maintain the experience?” I certainly have asked myself that question. And I have developed various techniques to try and do that. Notice that I said “try” because none of them work permanently. Try a few and see if any work for you, if only intermittently.

· Use going through doorways as a reminder to “up your vibration”.

· Keep a notecard on your desk on which you have written something meaningful. Mine says “Christ Consciousness”. Allow yourself to go There when you notice the card.

· Remember to remember to take a sacred breath and say to yourself, “ Peace be still” or “I am divine love” three or five times a day.

· See with sacred eyes by squinting and purposely look at others or the scene in front of you from your heart.

· When fixing a meal or when eating, stop for a moment and be grateful. To the plants and animals that have given their lives for you, for the supply chain that delivered the ingredients, for the person who hopefully cooked love into the meal.

· Say to yourself frequently, “I ask (Spirit) for the Best Possible Outcome of (anything….”this trip in the car I’m embarking on”). Pause. Take a breath and get a sense that Spirit has engaged. Followed by a simple “thank you”. (See a much fuller explanation about this process in my book The Manifestation Book).

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Blair is an author, poet, YouTubist, and ordinary mystic. His 5 award-winning book series are available at Amazon Books, and his YouTube videos at Blair Abee Higher Consciousness Channel.



Blair Abee

Blair developed Higher Consciousness Meditation after many years of meditation and yoga, and a traumatic year with a new, difficult boss who fired him.